Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jared Leto, Shannon Leto Tomo Milicevic!!! Los amo a todos!

Hi guys!! this is the 30 seconds to mars....! i really admire them..except for Matt..the blonde guy i dont really know him that much...cause now he's not from the 30 seconds to mars alrd..Anyway let me introduce to u Tomo Milicevic , Jared Leto , Shannon Leto and Matt..(left to right)..
The most i love is Jared Leto...cause he is hot..and cute to u guys i dunno...but i think a lot of ppl also admire him..this is his profile;

Name: Jared Leto
Height: 5' 9"
Sex: M
Nationality: American
Birth Date: December 26, 1971
Birth Place: Bossier City, Louisiana, USA
Profession: actor
Education: University of the Arts in Philadelphia (majored in Painting)

The School of Visual Arts in New York (majored in Filmmaking)

Flint Hill Preparatory in Oakton, Virginia

Newton North High School

He and Shannon were adopted by an italian eye doctor with the last name Leto. Shannon and Jared are half-brothers.He's a fan of Marylin Manson and Nirvana and he's a good break-dancer.His favorite foods are popcorn and vegetables. His best-loved drink is hot chocolate.Does not eat red meat, but is known to eat eggs. He has been said to be a vegan which is misconception, as vegans do not eat eggs but vegetarians do. So he is a vegetarian..he is 1 healthy fella and he don't like to eat too..i hate meat..i love vegetables! He even lose 28 pounds right after he act in the movie called chapter b4 that he is what i don't care..i still love him...he drink this called lemon detox drink..i also try...and its spicy..cause must put the cayenne pepper so that why its spicy...that drink its not healthy so don't try it..( will get sore-throat if u drink it..)

this is the pic with with matt not around....that means he alrd quit....Love this pic!He is so cute!!Ok now lets talk about his acting the movies...all i know is that he act in panic room,alexander,my so called life,urban legend and Mr Nobody..i only that know that show he act in....In Panic Room...he act as a bad guy..that he work with this guy and try to steal the precious things in the house...Then Urban a killer movie...he is not the 1st i thought he was the killer..but then he fall in love with this girl..this gorgeous girl..and her friend is the killer...that is the story..of the urban legend..its a nice show.... here the pic..they r perfect for each other...
and yes..that the killer her fren.. he is cute!

Tomo and Jared they were like brothers....they like so happy together and they always be there together..they were like the pic..;

Look how cute they are!so cute!!100%!lol 3 brothers...shannon jared and tomo...haha..

And i love their tattoos...i love shannon tattoo..his tattoo is awesome!
just look at his tattoo..i wan to get 1 also...same like him!!^^
and then jared;
he still have 1 more tattoo...but i cant find the pic..

And now i love their songs!!i love the most is kings and queens! i love others song too..i love the kill,night of the hunter,this is war,capricorn,beautiful lie,from yesterday and more^^...
i also love their 30 seconds to mars logo!..their logo is;
tadahhhhhh!!their logo!so cool!i wan to get a tattoo just like that!Now i feeling like moving into the united state!!

i show u guys more pic of him..^^
this pic is so cute!!i love his face!his gorgeous face!

i love his hair colour, the way he high-light his hair red!^^
oh..did i mention that he loves ducati!!well he love his ducati bike!!he love it very much!!he no.1 bike!!and look at his hot body!!!i love it!!!^^

his ass is so hot!!and so as his back!!!!^^

this pic i love the most!!he take by his ownself...^^and look obama is on the tv!!^^ and now the last pic!
and this is so fucking cute lo!!!aiyerrr!he wan to kiss the chihua hua!!^^
well that the last pic!

i think that all that i wan to talk about jared leto..!^^and yes u should hear some of his songs..all his songs is rock....very rock!i love it!bb!

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